Tuesday, November 26, 2019
A Level Psychology Essay Example
A Level Psychology Essay Example A Level Psychology Essay A Level Psychology Essay One reason that studying memory and organisation may be interesting is because the area was neglected, up until the 1990s, when psychologists became interested in how an enormously important but complex facility operates in people after being stimulated by the attempts to provide information about computer systems and how information is organised.( R.Gross, Hodder and Sloughton) One theory in relation to memory suggests that organisation may occur at two separate stages of memory. Meyer said to remember is to have organised and suggested that organisation either occurs at storage or at retrieval. Meyer suggested that at storage organisation serves to reduce the amount of material to be remembered and does this by grouping it hierarchically or by chunking it (putting it into chunks to remember).At retrieval he argued that organised items have greater uniqueness and therefore more retrieval routes assocciated with them.This suggests that organisation aids memory either by reducing the amount of information or by providing items with more reason to be remembered.( Broadbent, D.E., Cooper, P.J. Broadbent) A key study into hierarchy and memory was conducted by Collins and Quillian 1969 which proposed the hierarchical network model. This model was concerned with how words are organised in relation to their semantic meanings.Semantic memory was portrayed as a network of words which are connected to other when there is a semantic similarity. The meaning of a word is said to be given by pointers which basically point from the word out to the meaning. For example, Collins and Quillian suggested that pointers could indicate properties. For example a canary would have pointers to can sing. Other pointers may point to categories that a certain word belongs to. So a canary would have pointers to bird (on a lower level) and to animal (on a higher level). The model said that if a person was given the sentence A canary can sing and was asked to decide whether it is true or not they would only need to find the word canary and retrieve properties stored with that word. To test this model Collins and Quillian did an experiment where subjects were presented with sentences and were told to judge whether true or false by pressing the correct button as quick as possible.The length of reaction time indicated the difficulty.They found that the time taken to decide that a statement was true or not increased as the number of levels the subject had to go through to verify it increased. Therefore it implies that semantic meaning is stored in a hierarchy to aid memory in terms of its organisation.(R.Gross, Hodder and Sloughton) In 1953 Bousfield conducted a study where he asked subjects to learn 60 words that derived from 4 categories (animals, names, professions and vegetables), which the participants were not aware of. The categories had 15 examples which were all mixed up so did not appear to already be in a category. Bousfield found that when participants free recalled they tended to naturally cluster similar items, for example, if someone recalled potato it was likely that other vegetables followed. This concludes that although participants had not been told of the categories, they recalled in clusters and so therefore suggested that they tried to organise the data themselves and so proves in order to remember better the participants organised the data.(R.Gross, Hodder and Sloughton) Bower,(1969) investigated the effects of hierarchy in recall memory, and compared the results of these with those using word lists in a random order.The hierarchy provided a context for the words to be remembered by and recall was found to be up to three times better when word lists were organised . The study used an independent groups design, with two groups of participants: a control group and an experimental group . The independent variable was a list of 112words: The control group was given an unstructured, randomised list, while the experimental group was given the same words organised into a hierarchicy. The recall performance (DV) was measured using this scale (correctly recalled word = 1, incorrect or no-recalled word = 0). Bower found that the unorganised list gave a recall rate of 18% and particpants who used the organised list had a recall rate of 65%. Suggesting that organisation does aid memory recall.(Bower, G.H., Clark, M.C., Lesgold, A.M. Winzenz, D) Aim: the aim of this replication of Bowers (1969) study is to test his findings (65% recall rate when given an organised list and 18% with and unorganised list) which will be conducted as a small scale version of the original experiment. The experiment will be considered small scale as the number of words will be reduced to 40 compared to Bowers 112. The number of participants will only be around 30 in this replication. The reason that a small scale experiment is to be done is because it is an opportunity sample and is estimated that only around 30 students will be available within a class. The experiment aims to test the experiment using different words, countries, which are categorised into continents further catagorised into eastern and western parts of the world whereas Bower used minerals, a harder topic. Directional Hypothesis: The directional hypothesis which was chosen was that partcipants will remember a greater number of words if they are presented in an organised way rather than if they are presented in a random list (an organised list will be made up of a heirarchy of words into sub categories and a random list will consist of all the words mixed up in list format) . The lists will be divided into 4 categories: Asia, Europe, South America and Africa. There will be 10 words in each category and will be randomly mixed up by picking them out of a hat. The null hypothesis is whether the list is organised or not will not affect the number of words that the participant remembers and any difference is due to chance. The chosen hypothesis is one tailed and is used because Bowers findings concluded it to be true as there was a 65% recall rate for organised lists in comparison to just 18% recall rate for an unorganised list..
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Find an Abortion Clinic
How to Find an Abortion Clinic If youre absolutely sure you want an abortion and are trying to find a legitimate abortion clinic, it can be confusing to locate an abortion clinic that actually offers abortion services. Many that advertise themselves as abortion centers are actually run by anti-abortion organizations. Look for "Abortion Services" or "Abortion Referrals" Whether youre looking through a phone book or searching the internet, you may find that anti-choice centers (many with warm and fuzzy names) are often listed alongside abortion clinics and legitimate womens health clinics that support reproductive choice. This can make choosing an abortion clinic more confusing, but dont be fooled by them. The goal of these centers is to reverse, block, interfere with, or delay your decision to terminate your pregnancy until its too late to obtain an abortion. A reputable abortion clinic will either provide abortion services on-site or will refer you to an abortion provider. It will clearly state that it offers abortion services or abortion referrals in its advertising or on its website. Any clinic or center that states that it does not provide abortion referrals will not help you obtain an abortion, regardless of your circumstances. Getting accurate facts online about abortion methods and procedures is also tricky. If you search the phrase I need an abortion the results will include websites that claim they provide unbiased medical information on abortion but are created to scare you and convince you not to terminate your pregnancy. "Abortion" in the Title Isn't Always Pro-Choice Even websites with abortion in the title arent necessarily abortion providers or even pro-choice. As Fox News reports: On the Internet... anti-abortion groups buy up Web addresses similar to those of abortion providers or abortion-rights groups, then use them to lead to Web pages with anti-abortion materials. Our idea is to change the hearts and and minds of people about abortion, said Ann Scheidler, executive director of the Chicago-based Pro-Life Action League. These websites mask an underlying pro-life agenda, but theyre easy to spot. They will immediately emphasize the risks of abortion, as well as the regret and fear they say many women suffer from afterward. They often include graphic depictions of abortion that play to your emotions; ignore accepted medical facts and cite other unverified claims as truth (such as the unproven link between breast cancer and abortion); inflate the level of post-abortion complications involved; and suggest possible outcomes (such as damage to internal organs, sepsis, scarring and even death) that rarely occur in developed countries where abortions are performed by trained health care professionals with sterile medical instruments. "Pregnancy" in the Title Usually Means Pro-Life Clinics that support reproductive choice will either offer abortion services or provide a referral to an abortion provider. Clinics that oppose reproductive choice will not refer you to an abortion provider. Many of these anti-choice clinics call themselves pregnancy centers, pregnancy resource centers, or abortion counseling centers. Names like new life or new hope indicate a health center whose sole goal is to maintain pregnancy, not terminate it. They promote adoption over abortion. Yet its significant to note that very few unmarried women who complete their pregnancies ultimately give the baby up for adoption; according to the National Center for Health Statistics, less than 1% did so between 1989–1995. In short, pregnancy or new life centers will not help you obtain an abortion or give you a referral to an abortion provider. Visiting them will only waste valuable time if youre determined to have an abortion. Adult or Minor - Laws Regarding Reproductive Choice It may seem that getting an abortion is very difficult. And it can be, depending on where you live. Its estimated that 85% of counties within the U.S. are not served by an abortion provider. Although abortion has been legal in the United States for over three decades, the laws regarding abortion vary from state to state depending on your age: If you are an adult (18 and older), reproductive choice is your right.If you are a teenager, depending on your age and the abortion laws in your state, you may or may not need parental consent. You should know what the laws are in your state to make an informed choice. Factors in Choosing an Abortion Provider When choosing an abortion clinic or abortion provider, it is also essential that you understand the differences between the two types of abortion medical and surgical before you make your decision. What type you choose will depend on the availability of services, how many appointments are required for the abortion itself and any follow-up exams you may need, and how far along you are in your pregnancy. Not all abortion services are available at all clinics, and youll need to leave ample time to make arrangements for travel to and from the clinic, recovery at home, and payment for the services. Armed with this information on how to find an abortion clinic, you can locate abortion clinics in your area and make contact online, over the phone, or in person.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Teaching English to Arab Students Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Teaching English to Arab Students - Assignment Example Background of the Problem: It has frequently been observed that the Arab students, arriving in the modern countries, are seldom familiar with the English language altogether. It is partly due to the very fact that they have obtained their primary and elementary levels education in the native Arabic language, the patterns including sentence structure, grammar, composition and syntax etc are entirely different from English in all regards. Consequently, they have to undergo serious difficulties while learning English language skills (McCardle & Hoff, 2006, p.43). Not only this that the students find it very problematic and challenging one, but also the teachers also witness grave problems while making attempts to coach the Arabs how to read, write and speak English in order to complete their studies and obtain higher degrees as well (Ansari, 2012, p.2). Since the English speaking nations, particularly the USA and UK have made marvellous inventions in all fields of life, which have force d the entire world to learn their language in order to survive and cope up with the latest challenges modern life offers to man. Consequently, technological superiority and economic stabilities of some of the most developed English speaking nations serve as the major reasons that have urged the non-English speaking nations to learn English language skills, so that they could be in a position of taking advantages of the latest developments being made all around them. English is, Graddol submits, closely associated with the leading edge of global scientific, technological, economic and cultural developments, where it has been unrivalled in its influence in the late 20th century (2000, p.4). Thus, the achievements made by the English speaking nations in the fields of... This essay stresses that the contemporary era is pertinently viewed to be the age of globalisation, where the activities being conducted in one region of the globe have their significant influence on even the remotest zones existing on the face of the earth. Technological advancements have played their decisive role in bringing the individuals and societies closer to each other in the wake of the inventions made in the field of science and technology including airplane, computer, the Internet and others, which have turned communication between the individuals very fast, simple and easy. This paper makes a conclusion that it becomes evident that the present study has been conducted in a limited scenario, which concentrates upon the differences between the style, diction, syntax and pronunciation of Arabic and English languages on the one side, and the cultural variation between both the civilisations on the other. In addition, the present study has also confined its canvas to the initial hurdles that appear on the way to the Arab students while seeking education in English language. However, some other research could also be conducted on the same or similar topic that could make more elaboration of the grammatical and technical differences between the languages under examination for drawing out conclusions regarding the problems of the Arab students while ESL learning procedure, as well as the difficulties of the teachers to cope with the issue.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Personal response to Mrs Dallaway Pages 1-36 NO SOURCES Essay - 1
Personal response to Mrs Dallaway Pages 1-36 NO SOURCES - Essay Example Warren believes that he is to blame for the congestion caused by the backfired car. In the wake of the war, citizens are trying to cope with the multitude of changes in their new society; for example, the streets are busier and nosier. Woolf consistently uses flashbacks in her literal work to capture each character’s subjective narrative. The author’s use of subjective narrative calls into question the reliability of memory as a source of information. The characters constantly re-evaluate their perspectives based on recalled information and their interpretations of current events showing that memory might be an unreliable source of information. However, recalled information enriches one’s understanding of characters; one is able to visualize a character’s contribution to the different themes addressed in the literal piece. For example, covered extensively in the publication is the theme of tragedy/death. Characters such as Mrs. Dalloway and Warren Smith remain preoccupied with impending tragedy/death. Mrs. Dalloway constantly thinks about her own mortality; for example, the author mentions that, â€Å"she feels and emptiness at the heart of her life†(Woolf) coupled with her lack of affectionate feelings towards her husband Richard and her deviant sexual attraction towards
Sunday, November 17, 2019
American Me Essay Example for Free
American Me Essay The film; American Me is an epic depiction of 30 years of Chicano gang life in Los Angeles, California. The movie focuses on the life of a 1950s teen named Montoya Santana, who forms a gang with his close friends. The gang is arrested for a break-in, and sentenced to time in juvenile hall. Santana finds trouble on his first night in juvenile hall and goes from juvenile hall to prison for 18 years. There he created and led a powerful gang that operated both inside and outside the prison. When released from Folsom Prison, he tries to make sense of the violence in his life, in a world that has changed greatly. Inspired by a true story, the film provides a fictionalized account of the founding and rise to power of the Mexican Mafia in the California prison system from the 1950s into the 1980s. The story opens by taking the viewer on a journey back in time to the Zoot Suit era of World War II before the birth of Montoya Santana. Santana’s parents were Zoot Suitors. It is here that Santana’s destiny began. Because of the wartime labor shortage of this era, the American and Mexican governments agreed to a program by which braceros (contract laborers) were admitted to the United States for a limited time to work at specific jobs.. Mexican Americans were the second largest group of migrants after Black Americans in the 1940s. The influx of Mexican Americans created societal change. â€Å"The sudden expansion of Mexican American neighborhoods created tensions and some conflicts within white society and governmental bodies. White residents of Los Angeles became alarmed at the activities of Mexican American teenagers, most of whom were joining street gangs. Zoot Suits became popular (baggy pants, long loose jacket, the big collar, the long watch chain, the slicked back hair, broad-brimmed hats), which became a symbol of rebellion against conventional white society†(www. stuffliketaht. org, 2010). Thus the term, Zoot Suit was born. â€Å"In Mid-1943, a four-day riot in LA broke out because of the hatred toward the Zoot-suitors. White sailors invaded Mexican American communities and attacked Zoot Suitors. The city police did nothing to restrain the sailors, who grabbed the Hispanic teenagers, tore off and burned their clothes, cut off their hair, and beat them. However, when Hispanics tried to fight back, the police moved in and arrested them. After the Zoot Suit riots, LA passed a law prohibiting the wearing Zoot Suits†(www. stufflikethat. org, 2010) It was during these riots that Santana’s parents Pedro and Esperanza were attacked. After being beaten, Pedro was arrested by local police for being a Zoot Suitor. Violently raped, Esperanza had her clothes torn off by a multitude of Caucasian sailors. The film brings the viewer forward in time to 1959 with Santana as a young man of 16 growing up in the barrios with his friends and fellow gang members Mundo and JD. After being arrested and sent to juvenile hall, Santana has his â€Å"manhood†taken from him on the first night and murders the man who sodomized him. The power and respect that killing this man brought from his peers was intoxicating; his act also brought him a long prison sentence. During many years of incarceration, Santana and his gang affiliates grew their business and their numbers both inside and outside the prison. Upon his release from prison, he was surprised how much life and the barrios had changed. Santana struggled as he observed the power plays between the Italian mafia, the Black Guerillas, and the Aryan Brotherhood. They all wanted more territory and more business. This created internal conflict for the main character as the roots of his belief about his gang Por Vida (for life) was to lift and strengthen the Chicano communities. . His associates saw this internal struggle as weakness. Santana’s challenges in society were appropriate socialization and healthy behavior in romantic relationships. After a short time on the outside, Santana is arrested, and returned to prison. It is here that Santana’s life ends. He is brutally murdered by his gang associates for not going along with a decision. The Santana family lived in the same home in the barrios (ghetto) of East Los Angeles for some 30 years, their economic status described as poor working class. Santana’s’ parents were Mexican American. Santana’s ethnicity is partially unknown, as he was born as a product of his mothers’ rape. Some of Santana’s strengths were his strong family and neighborhood ties, his abilities to organize and lead people, his loyalty, and pride. He also had a very sensitive side to him, which was deep, poetic, and soulful. The primary presenting issues of the character Santana are: He comes from a background of poverty, lacking education and job skills. His neighborhood role models and leaders were gangbangers or Zoot Suitors. He spent most of his life institutionalized in prison and lacks socialization skills, such as knowing how to buy a pair of shoes or how to go about build relationship with a woman. He has never had a healthy sexual relationship and his sexual and relational development was largely thwarted by living in prison. The main character would be well served with supports in assessing and developing career skills and opportunities for continuing education as well. A human service worker could best help assist Santana by having knowledge of the culture background, local cultural competency support and resources, pertinent cultural information and have certain skills that are common to assisting with minority individuals and groups. These common skills include communication, access to interpreters, assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation, drawing upon a range of theories of human and group behavior, knowledge of individual differences and the minority identity development model and stages for change, and an awareness of the larger social context of Santana’s. â€Å"To be an effective human service worker, it is important to apply various skills with an understanding of relevant theories and minority identity models and be able to choose appropriate intervention strategies and methods for particular situations. There is no substitute for working with individuals or groups; an important part of enhancing a workers intervention skills is obtaining hands-on experience†(Human services Interventions, 2002). Some culturally competent local support services and agencies suggested for Santana are as follows: â€Å"Friends-CARE is a nonprofit organization designed to break the cycle of generational crime. Its purpose is to raise awareness regarding the children and families of the incarcerated. Friends-CARE does provide services, intervention, community resources, and programs for these families and supports the appropriate relationships between inmates and their families upon returning to the community†(www. friends-Care. org, 2010). California Gangs Anonymous (CGA) â€Å"CGA is a twelve step program for criminals and gang members both inside and outside the prison system. Participants attend meetings regularly and express the genuine details, past and present of their lives, CGA is a place to let our emotions out freely in a safe environment. CGA is about honesty, hope, solutions, and alternatives to living a happier life†(www.cganon. com 2010). Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services – â€Å"Adult Education program provides unique learning opportunities to adults at no cost in a supportive, highly personalized and non-judgmental environment. Education is provided in the classroom setting as well as through one-on-one tutoring and appointments. All services are free to the community and open to adults over the age of 18. Educational services include tutoring in literacy, math, reading and writing, English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, assistance with job searches, resume building workshops, computer basics classes in English and Spanish†(www.sfbfs. org, 2010). After evaluation of Santana’s background and presenting issues, the assessors recommend an intervention treatment plan consisting of the above-mentioned community resources Criminals/Gang Members Anonymous for working through what it means to be gang affiliated, Friends-CARE as an external support including participating in a program intended to build/re-build family relationships after incarceration. As these family relationships may serve as strong supports as the client moves away from gang related activities and individuals. Additionally, the SFBFS Adult Education Program, where Santana can build his English-speaking skills, acquires an education, job skills, and takes computer classes. Socialization and sexual socialization therapy is strongly suggested. The founding and rise of the Mexican mafia in 1950s East Los Angeles was inevitable. The wartime indecencies to the previous Mexican American generation known as the Zoot-suitors caused a community to want to stand strongly as a people. A natural and inherent part of Mexican culture is to gather, to band together as family and friends in strength and celebration. Perhaps a Mexican gang is a distorted extension of this natural inclination to gather and join in strength caused by acculturation present within white society. References CGA (n. d. ). CGA. Retrieved August 30, 2010, from www. cganon. org (n. d. ). History Review Sheet. Retrieved August 30,2010, from www. stufflikethat. org/minorities Human Service Interventions (2002). Working with Individuals or with Groups. Retrieved August 31, 2010, from http://www. cpcs. umb. edu/support/studentsupport/red_book/humser_intervention_one. htm Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services. (). SFBFS [Brochure]. Sacramento, CA: Author. Universal (Producer), Olnos, E. J. (Director).
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprises Essay -- vital component of dev
SMALL and medium enterprises (SMEs) are broadly defined as manufacturing, manufacturing-related services (MRS) and agro-based industries that employ around 200 full-time employees or have an annual sales turnover of not more than RM50mil (Chermaine, 2013). Besides, the term also refers to enterprises in the services, primary agriculture and information and communication technology industries with not more than 75 full-time employees or annual sales turnover of not more than RM20mil. According to the SME Annual Report 2012, small and medium enterprises represent 98.5% of the approximately 78,000 companies in Malaysia, with the remaining 1.5% made up of multinational and public-listed companies. In many developed nations, SMEs is thought to contribute between 40% and 60% to gross domestic product and 60% and 70% of the employment, but the SME sector in Malaysia has not reached the mark yet (SME, 2012). Without doubt, small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) particularly in Malaysia (and the rest of the world) had long been the backbone of a country’s growth, with the scintillating amount of profit injection which had made it a core part of a country’s economic stability. The hypothesis here is quite simple, if the SME is able to break down the country’s market in its particular field, then it will skyrocket the stakes in the country with investors all around the world will spare a watchful eye on the growth. I’d like to pick, in this case study, the most suitable SME that have been impressive in this country. Came to my conclusion, Secret Recipe has it all. After all the hard work being put by the company in its introduction years, it is safe to say that Secret Recipe had unlocked a new level of their market with them being refe... ... are broadly defined as manufacturing, manufacturing-related services (MRS) and agro-based industries that employ around 200 full-time employees or have an annual sales turnover of not more than RM50mil (Chermaine, 2013). Besides, the term also refers to enterprises in the services, primary agriculture and information and communication technology industries with not more than 75 full-time employees or annual sales turnover of not more than RM20mil. According to the SME Annual Report 2012, small and medium enterprises represent 98.5% of the approximately 78,000 companies in Malaysia, with the remaining 1.5% made up of multinational and public-listed companies. In many developed nations, SMEs is thought to contribute between 40% and 60% to gross domestic product and 60% and 70% of the employment, but the SME sector in Malaysia has not reached the mark yet (SME, 2012).
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management Essay
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the nurse ratios and how management and leaders effectively incorporate theories, principles and leadership styles and qualities that are effective in providing quality leadership and management to staff. There are differences in leaders and managers, in the styles, goals and qualities that define leaders and managers. The effects of the nurse patient ratio can be seen as well as felt on multiple levels of the facility. As far as nurse managers, they are on the closest level besides bedside nurses to see the effects of ratios. Studies have shown that higher nurse patient ratios lead to higher adverse outcomes for patients, lower patient satisfaction as well as higher nurse turnover , which increases costs to the facility. The article in the Journal of Clinical Nursing (2011) investigates the relationships between nurse staffing, nursing activities and adverse patient outcomes in the acute care setting as reported by nurses in Finland and the Netherlands. The study was performed using a cross-sectional, descriptive questionnaire. The study discusses tasks performed by nurses, as well as tasks performed by LPN’s and other staff. The studies show that nurses with higher patient ratio’s have higher incidence of medication administration errors, patient falls as lower patient satisfaction. The nurse manager has direct impact on the development and implementation of tools such as the staffing matrix, acuities scores and what is the policy for staffing. The nurses should be able to go to the managers with concerns regarding staffing issues. Nursing leaders look at the bigger picture, such as patient satisfaction but are also required to look at fiscal responsibilities that the facility has, as well as community events and support projects. Leaders look to improve and promote positive changes that will benefit the community served by the facility. Nurse leaders can evaluate how the policies and procedures are working, if they need to be changes to provide better quality of care. Nurse leaders also assist in educating staff on the reasons change is necessary and the steps that can be taken to effectively implement changes. Nurse managers are there to provide direction on daily tasks, support and as a resource to staff. Typically, nurse managers deal with day to day running of the floor and issues that arise with staff and/or patients. Managers typically see issues that arise with current policies, provide direction to staff. It is understandable how management can be pulled in opposite directions such as what is best for nursing staff and patients may not be the same as what is good for the facility. Upper management does not always seem to have a grasp on the reality of the floor, the day to day issues of providing patient care and just what is necessary to maintain patient satisfaction. The theories and principles that best describe this writers philosophy is a mix. One theory or principle does not fit. A mix of situational, servant and participative includes the theories followed. Different situations can bring out different needs. An example in my facility is, with concerns regarding financial changes occurring in healthcare, rising costs to healthcare, a poor economy and decreased reimbursments, the leaders have to look at all those aspects, and evaluate the risk vs. benefits to nurse ratios. The nurse managers have to follow the rules set forth, and try to comply with the demands from upper management. It is expected by me that nurse managers look at the reality of the floor while keeping the needs of the facility in mind. Floor nurses are the advocates for the patient, and have a unique perspective of the needs of the floor. Managing staffing, acuities and patient care while also dealing with physicians, and upper management requires effort and active participation. Leaders need to think outside the box, look at the bigger picture and then convince everyone that the changes are necessary, needed and beneficial. Both positions require skills such as good communication, good listening, being able to lead without dictatorship or by fear. Creating a positive environment while maintaining authority is not an easy task. Creating an atmosphere conducive to change while providing high quality care and keeping everyone happy is an even more difficult task. But both of these tasks require a relationship, trust and communication between all parties or departments involved. Staffing ratios have been studied, as seen in the study regarding work satisfaction (Nursing Economics, 2012) discusses the first staffing law that went into effect in California in 2004. The study showed that nurses with a lower nurse to patient ratio had a higher job satisfaction rate, as well as better patient satisfaction. The costs associated with high nurse turnover include more than just monetary costs. The safety risks to patients can not be ignored. Nurse managers can evaluate the effectiveness of the policies as they are closest to the floor nurses and patients. Nurse managers have a different and unique experience, as do nurse leaders. Both areas require active participation with daily interaction with staff. The staff needs to feel a part of the team, respected and listened to. To have an effective unit, collaboration between all levels needs to be in place. Effective managers and effective leaders can work together to achieve goals, while providing high quality patient care. References Hinno, S., Partanen, P., & Vehvilà ¤inen-Julkunen, K. (2012). Nursing activities, nurse staffing and adverse patient outcomes as perceived by hospital nurses. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 21(11/12), 1584-1593. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2011.03956.x Tellez, M. (2012). Work Satisfaction Among California Registered Nurses: A Longitudinal Comparative Analysis. Nursing Economic$, 30(2), 73-81.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Pyrex Case Study Essay
The current dilemma with World Kitchen is to continuing making Pyrex themselves, or to contract the manufacturing out and buying it that way. This problems has arisen because of the aging Pyrex plant in Charleroi needs an upgrading and they have decided to look at it to see if it is better to outsource it or to upgrade the plant and continue to make it. Pyrex was first started in the early 1900’s by Corning Glass Works. It was made by mistake when Bessie Littleton the wife of a Corning chemist ask her husband to bring home s some strong shatterproof glass for her to use in the kitchen. What her husband did was bring two jars home, made of low- expansion glass. Bessie had cooked a sponge cake in one of the glasses and she found out that the cooking time was shorter, it did not stick to the glass, the flavor washed off of it and did not stick to the glass, and she could see through it to see how the cake was baking. The Chemist then took the cake to his work the following day an d had his coworkers look at what she had made with the glass he took home. They then began a two year process to perfect the glass and to start selling it. So in 1915 Pyrex started to hit department and China stores everywhere. World Kitchen was formed in 2000 and is the current owner of Pyrex. World Kitchen already outsources a bunch of their products and this is so they can stay competitive with the competition. That is because with a lot of their current products they are made cheaper overseas versus the cost it would be to make them in the states. By 2006 World Kitchen only owned two plants in United Stated the Pyrex one in Charleroi and a Corelle Plant. The two plants use different forms of technology, the Charleroi plant uses tempering the thick translucent glass while the Corelle plant uses a processes by pressing three layers of thin strengthened opaque glass together. In the Charleroi plant they have a furnace that has to run 24 hours a day and it is extremely costly to run. So if they were to keep the Charleroi Plant the first thing that they would have to change is the furnace and find a better way to heat the glass. That way they would not have to constantly run it and they could slow down and speed up production accordingly. Since World Kitchen currently outsources the manufacturing of a lot of their other products they have existing relationships with potential manufacturers t hat might be interested in making the Pyrex Line. The problem is that there might not be a foreign plant that can meet the demand for the Pyrex line of products. Also with contracting the product and making it overseas, in order for World Kitchen to get the product back in the United States they will be paying Tariffs and those Tariffs vary from country to country. World Kitchen is currently a privately owned company which is better because with the decision to either continuing to manufacture Pyrex or to outsource it will be done directly by the head CEO’s and they will not need to worry about what stockholders think. According to market research done in 2006 it was an estimate that 79 percent of homes owned at least one Pyrex product. It also showed that Pyrex held a 75 percent share of the current market. World Kitchen s market share was dominant among makers of glass makers, the Pyrex products was also compared to no glass products such as metal, plastic, and ceramic bake ware. So we are going to look at the pro’s and cons that are associated with continueing production at the Charleroi plant or if it will be better to outso urce the production of Pyrex. 1. What are the pros and cons of continuing production at the Charleroi plant? When a supply chain is choosing a manufacturer or a product to carry, one of the things they usually look at is where it is made. This is because depending on the location there are different pro’s and con’s that can be associated with the product. For example Pyrex is made in Charleroi, Pennsylvania and I am going to talk about the pros and the cons of Pyrex continuing the production here. One of the main good things about continuing the production at the Charleroi plant is that you can manage the production and the quality on a day to day basis or however you like. If it was somewhere out of the country than you would not be able to visit the plant as often and assure the same standard of quality that was suspected of it. Another good thing about continuing production here is that is has the stamp â€Å"Made in the USA†which is a good marketing strategy within itself. That is because people in the US like and are willing to buy a product more if it was made on it’s on soil. The logistics of transporting the goods will be cheaper and you will not have to jump through the hoops of importing it into the states. This will mean that you will always have the same delivery time for an order to whomever you are sending it to. If it is made overseas there are a numerous number of things that can delay an order that is out of the manufacturers and buyers hands. A lot of states offer companies tax credits for having a plant in the state and creating jobs for people within that state. Another thing about continuing production at the Charleroi plant is that Pyrex will not have to change anything it is currently doing with production, logistics, and personnel. When you change something that you are currently manufacturing and the way it is made you are risking the possibility of a drastic change to the product. There are also costs related to changing the location and bringing in people to help make that happen. Along with the good things about having the Charleroi plant in operation there are also a number of cons that haunt this. One thing is that you might lose some of the market because the competition will be selling a product that is cheaper and this is because it is cheaper to make overseas. You might not be able to compete with the price and thus lose customers. Another downside would be having to deal with unionized workers in the US, if they do not like their pay or some type of labor condition they could go on strike which will than put production on a halt and money and product will be lost. Another downside about the Charleroi plant is the furnace and the costs to operate it each year. They stated one year they were to make 41 million pieces of Pyrex and the cost to make the pieces would be 39 million. So making that much product you would only have a 2 million dollar profit, which isn’t bad but the labor and the costs of paying the workers is the most expensive thing and can be cut down or even out if there are better and cheaper ways to make. Along with the expense you do not have the flexibility to operate the furnace when you want and you do not have the flexibility to change the speed of production that much either. You cannot control how many products and how much time it takes to make as well and this is because the furnace controls that because you cannot speed it up or slow it down. The furnace is the bottle neck of the batch process and even to upgrade it and make it a better process is going to cost Pyrex quite a bit of money and time. Probably the main con about continuing production here is the cost that is going to be associated with upgrading the facility. Just rebuilding the furnace alone is going to cost an estimated 12 million dollars. While you are rebuilding the furnace and upgrading the facilities you are going to have to look at a different location to help with the production of Pyrex anyways. This goes in hand with the current profit margin which was only 2 million dollars off of 39 million dollars’ worth of product. This is because of the high costs that was associated with making the Pyrex at the Charleroi plant. 2. What downside might there be with the offshore outsourcing production of the Pyrex product line to oversea suppliers. One of the major downsides of offshore outsourcing of the product lines to different countries is getting the product back in the United States. This is called Tariffs and they can range from 22.5 percent to 4 percent depending on the country and what the US import rate is for that country. So that is something that will overall make the product price somewhat even out. You will have the cheaper labor and not-so strict manufacturing guidelines in some other countries but you will have to pay the tariff to get it back here. One of the major and first things that they need to look at though is to make sure that the over sea companies will be able to match the productivity with the demand of the product. If they are not able to manufacture enough of the product in a certain time than Pyrex will be losing money to the competition that might have the similar type of product in stock. Another thing that the suppliers quoted were the lead times that it could take them to get the product to the distribution center. These times ranged from 4 days to 36 days, depending on what country the product would come from. These can change from day to day according to the situation as well, because there might be a delay at the inspection to get the freight into the United States or a storm holds off the shipment on the other side of the world. So orders will need to be put in almost 2 months ahead of time. This is possible as we have learned in previous chapter, to do but will not be as accurate versus 2 weeks ahead of time. So this can lead to either an over or understock of items. This is because the demand for the product can change on a weekly basis based off many factors. If the work and process is outsourced than you also run the possibility of another country or company getting the process and making a copycat product. This was actually done in China when they were searching for glass manufacturers there. This is because other countries might not follow or have the strict patent laws that the US follows. This is one reason why there are a lot of â€Å"fake†items made in other countri es. In China, they uncovered companies claiming to be the producers of the product and even used the Pyrex logo on their website. Another thing that I mention in question number one is they will not have control over the manufacturing of the product as much as they do now. If they contract it out overseas, unless they hire someone to always be at the plant they will not know if the contractor is making the product like it was originally made and if the contractor takes short cuts than the product will lose its originality and quality possibly. That means the recipe to make the product can be changed and with something like glass, when you barely change the way it is made it will drastically effect the quality. If you have a strict contract that states the product will be made for a number years the exact same way, you cannot just change it in the middle of a contract when you contract it overseas. That means if market research shows the product can be more effective or cost effective made a certain way, you have to wait until the contract ends with the current manufacturer before you can change anything about i t. If it still made by the company in the states you can change the product however you want whenever you want. That includes if you want to start manufacturing a new line of products with the Pyrex quality and name. It will be much longer because you will have to negotiate the process and prices with the contractor versus just getting the numbers and materials yourself and starting it when it is the most appropriate. 3. If the recommendation is to offshore outsource, what issues have to be addressed with the Charleroi plant? If Pyrex decides to go to offshoring outsourcing the product than the Charleroi plant has to have some type of shutdown procedure. These procedures are important because it is a plan that will help lay off or redistribute the workers as well as the products and equipment. One of the biggest problems is to retain and layoff the workers once they find out the Charleroi plant is being shut down. Shutdowns are usually announcements that the company or organization will tell everyone so they can prepare what to do next. They need to retain a number of workers though while they look for and implement their outsourced manufactures to start making the products. A lot of workers will start looking for new jobs and quit to start those new jobs, this can be good because the company will not have to lay off a bunch of workers. They might be able to transfer some workers to the New Yor k Plant though. They do need to give some workers an incentive to stay though until the shutdown is complete. Next all of the equipment used to make the product will either need to be sold or sent to the new operations facilities. They need to figure out if the old equipment is worth keeping or if they want to upgrade it to make a better product. They do not want to sell the equipment to possible competitors though because then they will be able to copy their process of making the Pyrex. We also need to look at and make sure that the overseas plant will be able to completely fulfill the orders and if not than the Charleroi plant might not have to shut down completely. They might be able to keep it and operate it only at 10 percent to help with increased orders or high demand, that is only if the outsourced manufactures cannot produce enough of the product. After everything is out and the plant is shut down the company needs to look at if they want to keep the building or not. If the New York plant is still running and the shipment of the products overseas need a place to stay before they are sent to stores, than the building might be able to be turned into a warehouse. Which than Pyrex needs to determine how they can transfer the manufacturing plant into a warehouse because of the unpredictability of the shipping of the products from overseas, Pyrex needs to be able to get products to customers fast. They also need to figure out how much it is going to actually cost to shut down the plant because at the same time the company is going to be spending a lot of money on getting the new manufactures up to speed on the product. So there are a number of issues that need to be addressed when shutting down the Charleroi and they are the rearranging of personnel, how long it will take to shut the plant down, what to do with all the assets inside the plant, and even what to do with the building after everything is gone and shutdown.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Compton Effect or Compton Scattering in Physics
The Compton Effect or Compton Scattering in Physics The Compton effect (also called Compton scattering) is the result of a high-energy photon colliding with a target, which releases loosely bound electrons from the outer shell of the atom or molecule. The scattered radiation experiences a wavelength shift that cannot be explained in terms of classical wave theory, thus lending support to Einsteins photon theory. Probably the most important implication of the effect is that it showed light could not be fully explained according to wave phenomena. Compton scattering is one example of a type of inelastic scattering of light by a charged particle. Nuclear scattering also occurs, although the Compton effect typically refers to the interaction with electrons. The effect was first demonstrated in 1923 by Arthur Holly Compton (for which he received a 1927 Nobel Prize in Physics). Comptons graduate student, Y.H. Woo, later verified the effect. How Compton Scattering Works The scattering is demonstrated is pictured in the diagram. A high-energy photon (generally X-ray or gamma-ray) collides with a target, which has loosely-bound electrons in its outer shell. The incident photon has the following energy E and linear momentum p: E hc / lambdap E / c The photon gives part of its energy to one of the almost-free electrons, in the form of kinetic energy, as expected in a particle collision. We know that total energy and linear momentum must be conserved. Analyzing these energy and momentum relationships for the photon and electron, you end up with three equations: energyx-component momentumy-component momentum ... in four variables: phi, the scattering angle of the electrontheta, the scattering angle of the photonEe, the final energy of the electronE, the final energy of the photon If we care only about the energy and direction of the photon, then the electron variables can be treated as constants, meaning that its possible to solve the system of equations. By combining these equations and using some algebraic tricks to eliminate variables, Compton arrived at the following equations (which are obviously related, since energy and wavelength are related to photons): 1 / E - 1 / E 1/( me c 2) * (1 - cos theta)lambda - lambda h/(me c) * (1 - cos theta) The value h/(me c) is called the Compton wavelength of the electron and has a value of 0.002426 nm (or 2.426 x 10-12 m). This isnt, of course, an actual wavelength, but really a proportionality constant for the wavelength shift. Why Does This Support Photons? This analysis and derivation are based on a particle perspective and the results are easy to test. Looking at the equation, it becomes clear that the entire shift can be measured purely in terms of the angle at which the photon gets scattered. Everything else on the right side of the equation is a constant. Experiments show that this is the case, giving great support to the photon interpretation of light. Edited by Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Publish Long-Form Posts on LinkedIn
How to Publish Long-Form Posts on LinkedIn As of January 2015, all members of English-speaking countries have the ability to publish long-form post; shortly thereafter, LinkedIn will be expanding that privilege to all of the languages they support. To create a long-form post once you are given Publishing rights, go to your homepage and click on Write an article: You will arrive at a page where you can create a new post. To publish an article, insert your content, along with images and pertinent links. Over 40,000 long-form posts are published every week. According to a study by OkDork and Search Wilderness, the most successful posts followed these guidelines: Keep your title short and sweet. Titles with more than 40-49 characters can get cut off. Make it visual. Posts with at least 8 images perform 2.4 times better. Dont use videos and other multimedia! This might be surprising, but fewer people view articles that include videos (as opposed to static images, which boost views). Keep it clear. Include subheadings- ideally 5 of them- so your article is easy to read. Maintain a reasonable length. Articles between 1900 and 2000 words are read more often. Go neutral. Posts that were neither positive or negative ranked higher. Articles that met the reading level of an 11-year-old ranked better. Get Likes. The more Likes you have, the more views you will get. Publish on Thursdays. Thursday posts get the most views. Dont pose your title as a question. Titles that contained a question didnt fare as well. Always proofread your article before publishing! Once you click Publish, your post is shared. You can also share your article with your social media networks by clicking the Share button. Another tip, suggested by the Content Marketing Institute, is to send a tweet to Tip@LinkedInPulse with your post to improve the odds a LinkedIn editor will see it and it be published on LinkedIn Pulse. Heres what people in your network will see in their desktop inbox when you post an article: Here is what your post will look like on the homepage of your connections: Each time someone likes or comments on your post, it is brought to the top of the page again. Your posts will also appear in the Posts section of your profile, just beneath your photo. And they can be searched via the Posts option from the search bar drop-down: Interested readers can click through to the post page where they can then follow you and comment on your article, even if they are not currently in your network. Social media statistics and share buttons above your post allow readers to spread your work beyond LinkedIn! Be sure to utilize keywords in your posts. LinkedIn uses a special algorithm to tag long-form posts into categories called channels and to suggest posts for its members. If your article is tagged, it will appear to LinkedIn members with the most relevant profile content. So do some keyword research for your field, or hire someone to do it for you, and build your posts using SEO practices! You can view all of your published posts from your profile, listed in the Posts section. You may also view them (along with any articles drafts) on your publishing dashboard, where you can measure each articles success by reviewing its stats. For LinkedIn ®s tips and best practices for publishing long-form posts, visit LinkedIns Helps Long-Form Posts on LinkedIn Overview. Have you utilized LinkedIn ®s new long-form post feature? If so, what benefits have you enjoyed? And if not, what are you waiting for? Save Save
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The death penalty, when preceded by long confinement and administered Essay
The death penalty, when preceded by long confinement and administered bureaucratically, dehumanises both the agents and recipients of this punishment and amounts to a form of torture - Essay Example Debates on retention or abolition of the capital punishment have predominantly existed for years causing some countries to consider prolonged delays that precede execution, mostly allowing the condemned person reasonable time to appeal3. Such prisoners are condemned to dehumanizing conditions in â€Å"death row†units that have been criticized for transforming humans to caged animals. Penologists and criminologists have been actively engaged in extensive researches to find the answers to perennially baffling issues on prolonged delays that today precede execution4. The question of whether the prolonged delays can serve a just cause and whether they should be retained has in itself been a subject of debate among human rights lawyers, legal scholars, jurists, judges and social theorists the world over5. Whether the delays aptly serve the real purposes of punishment, whether eliminating the delays can promote the rights of the prisoners or violate them, and what message the brutal existence can send to the society are issues that this paper attempts to address6. In all, the dehumanizing conditions serve to portray the prisoners are being secluded from the society. Even as human rights activists have held that they should be reformed and corrected to make them sober citizens, studies7 have showed that such prisoners who undergo brutal conditions are made to be worse8. Such situations view the pre-arranged and proportional punishment as in conformity with Bentham’s theory of penal objectives which suggest that the pain of the offender should be higher than the pleasures he enjoys following the commission of the crime9. However, the element of â€Å"higher†must be proportional and uniform10. Even as legal and moral philosophers and scholars have examined the various objectives or justifications for death penalty, social scientists have focused more on explaining the effects of the
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