Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Hemmingway Short Stories Essays - Ernest Hemingway, The Killers
Hemmingway Short Stories ERNEST HEMINGWAY (1899-1961) "You really ought to read more books - you know, those things that look like blocks but come apart on one side." F. Scott Fitzgerald, 1927 This is a paper about Ernest Hemingway's short stories The Snows of Kilimanjaro (1938?), Hills like White Elephants (1927), Cat in the Rain (1923?), The Killers (1927) and A Clean Well-Lighted Place (1933). However, to understand Hemingway and his short stories I find it necessary to take a brief look at his life and background first. It is not easy to sum up Ernest Hemingway's adventurous life in a few paragraphs, but I've tried to focus on the most important things before I started on the analysis of the five short stories. Ernest Miller Hemingway was born in oak Park, Illinois, July 21st 1899, and committed suicide July 2nd, 1961. In his lifetime Hemingway managed to write some of the best known novels of our century, including books such as The Sun Also Rises, (1926) A Farewell to Arms (1929), Death in the Afternoon (1932) and For Whom the Bells Toll (1940). Hemingway's first published work was Three Stories and Ten Poems (1923) and then In Our Time (1924), before his fame grew with the publication of The Sun Also Rises in 1926. By that time Hemingway was married and had a child, and he was working as a news correspondent in Paris. At the age of 18 Ernest Hemingway signed up for the army to fight in World War I, but because of his poor vision he was not accepted in the fighting forces. After a short span as a reporter in Kansas City, he joined the Red Cross as an ambulance driver. Three weeks after his arrival at the front, Hemingway was wounded and spent nearly six months in convalescing before he returned home to USA and a hero's welcome. Hemingway's experiences in Italy, his wounding and recovery, later inspired his great novel A Farewell To Arms, and also explains some of the dark, pessimistic spirit one can trace trough much of his later work. After the return from Europe, Hemingway worked as a reporter for the Toronto Star Daily and in 1921 he moved to Paris as the paper's European correspondent. Hemingway's background as a reporter is clearly shown in most of his work, and the rules inflicted in the newspaper, advocating short sentences, short paragraphs, active verb, authenticity, compression, clarity and immediacy follows him throughout his career. He later said: "Those were the best rules I ever learned for the business of writing. I've never forgotten them." (Wilson) He lived, worked and wrote in Paris for the next six years, until he moved back to the US in 1928. Hemingway was an eager hunter and fisher. He went on many hunting safaris to Africa and was a passionate deep sea fisher. Hemingway's love of nature and hunting is shown in many of his novels and short stories, most clearly in the book The Old Man and The Sea from 1952. The struggle between the man and the marlin is a brilliant description of courage and stamina, and the old man seems to be the prime example of the Hemingway hero, a culmination of a lifetime of writing that comes together in the character of Santiago. Hemingway settled in the US in 1928 and wrote much of his best work in the next ten-fifteen years. He worked as a correspondent in the Spanish Civil War in 1937, and covered the Normandy invasion and the liberation of Paris among others in the final face of World War II. Hemingway received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. The stories I have chosen for this essay, The Snows of Kilimanjaro (1938?), Hills like White Elephants (1927), Cat in the Rain (1923?), The Killers (1927) and A Clean Well-Lighted Place (1933), have many things in common, but are also distinct in their own ways. All five are centered within a small geographic area, and the time span of the stories are relatively short in all five. I will give a brief recap of each story before I start analyzing them thoroughly. The Snows of Kilimanjaro describes a couple on a hunting safari who has had an accident. The husband, Harry, has injured his foot, and it became infected. Because of bad/wrong treatment of the wound, he is slowly dying. The wife takes care of him and tries to provide for him the best she can, but in the end she can't prevent him from
Friday, March 6, 2020
14 April Fools Day Pranks for College
14 April Fools Day Pranks for College Not all of us have the time or the patience to completely tinfoil someone’s dorm room, or sticky note their care. We don’t all have flash mobs of friends to do something nuts for April Fool’s Day. In this post we’ve got 14 gags that just about anyone should be able to pull off and there’s no real budget to speak of. Especially not if two or three people are in on them. Check it out! 1. Get like 80 Poppers And†¦ Here’s what you do: tape them to their dorm room door from this inside (no scaling any sky scrapers for this). With 100 of these things the sound will be pretty big; the mess will be lovely; you’ll scare the #$@ out of them! 2. The Best April Fool’s for Computer Nerds..EVER! After browsing the ten billion ideas Google has to offer, this is definitely one of the coolest. You’re basically going to put your head in a jar and then put it in their fridge. Or, you could go with their best friend’s, or significant other’s head. All you need is a computer. 3. Does Their Major Require Typing? Hey, if someone you want to play a prank on does a bunch of typing this is a really good one: rearrange the letters of their keyboard. It’s harmless, easy to do without breaking the keyboard and yeah. Even if they are the fastest and loudest typer in school, it will boggle their mind. You could order the letters to say something perhaps? 4. This is Hardcore This can get ugly fast so you need some finesse. If you’ve got a girlfriend/boyfriend, have a stranger they don’t know hand them a hand written â€Å"I’m breaking up with you and dropping out†letter. It helps if the gangs in on it, but again, while this will definitely get a reaction it might backfire†¦ 5. Nail Polish + Soap This is an oldy but goody. You just coat their soap with clear nail polish and in the morning when they try to shower it won’t lather and they’ll be like, â€Å"Whu?†6. Fill the Halls with Fruit Not on the ground silly, but hanging from clear cords or strings. At least everyone will get their fruits in for the day. You could go with bananas, apples, pears, strawberries, grapes, or even go big with grapefruits. 7. Mouse + Jello These days a regular computer mouse doesn’t cost but a few bucks. So, go ahead and put their mouse in the middle of a jello mold of your choosing. It should be said that jello is both cheap and amazing. You can get pretty crafty with jello and just about everyone loves the stuff. 8. Go Pop Star Just pick a pop star they would love to have plastered all over their stuff and go to town. Bieber is always a favorite. But, let your imagination run wild. 9. Pregnancy This only works on guys that have no clue it’s April Fool’s Day. You know, those guys who only know basically New Years, Spring Break and Christmas. If they have a girlfriend, oh yeah this will get them good. If they don’t and you know someone they’ve been frisky with in the past that’s willing to play along†¦even better. 10. Flash Mob Anyone? Okay fine, no prank or gag list is complete without the theater company involved. 11. The Out of Reach Alarm Clock Simply put: legendary. Grab their alarm clock while they’re sleeping, set it to go off an hour earlier in a hidden place that will drive them nuts. If it can be taped to the ceiling out of reach – perfect! 12. The Ultimate Stink Bomb? Everybody loved a stink bomb. So why not bomb an entire dorm? Why not bomb an entire building? I mean you can get boxes of these things in multiples colors, head into the stairwell and go floor by floor (two people on both sides for ideal coverage). So awesome! And, if you’re major is covert operations you should be able to stealth-mode this and no one will even know you just pulled a prank that will make the college paper! 13. Dixie Cups for Miles This is especially cool for anyone that’s a fan of beer pong. You can get hundreds of these things for cheap (make sure to recycle them afterwards), fill them only a little bit with water or whatever works, and then chill. You could fill an entire dorm room hallway. You could fill their dorm room. It’s funny. 14. A Bed Full of Cornflakes! Cornflakes. Cheap, loud, crunchy, delicious with milk and processed sugar. Why not a bed, car, dorm room, or closet full of them? Okay all you aspiring students out there, how do you do it? Share your tips for pranks in comments!
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