Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Huckleberry Finn Too Offensive For School - 880 Words
Huckleberry Finn too Offensive for School? A widely debated topic concerning, Mark Twain’s classic Huckleberry Finn centers on its content which may or may not be too offensive to be allowed on public school reading lists. The NAACP and concerned parents want Huckleberry Finn â€Å"removed from mandatory reading lists, for the books damaging effects on African-American students†(Hentoff 98). The book did not get removed; in â€Å"1998 Judge Reinhardt wrote: ‘an important part of education is thinking critically about offensive ideas’ †which is just one side of the argument (Hentoff 99). There are two sides of this debate which have valid points and even stronger feelings, to remove Huckleberry Finn or keep it in schools. The pro banning side declares the book has offensive language, racially insensitive, and the book encourages racial tension. The con banning side retorts First Amendment rights, knowledge stops repetition, and the book is anti-racist and teaches moral values. Huckleberry Finn is one of the most read classics, yet since its publication, has always stirred up trouble. The primary complaint against Huckleberry Finn is that it has too much offensive language. According to the New York Times the n-word appears in the book more than 200 times. The n-word mainly resulted in the book being taken off reading lists, along with its racial context encouraging debate. The opposition argues that words, no matter how offensive are protected by the First Amendment, whichShow MoreRelatedEssay about Huckleberry Finn is Not a Racist Work1519 Words  | 7 PagesHuckleberry Finn is Not a Racist Work â€Å"All modern literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn,†this is what fellow writer had to say about this classic novel. Still, this novel has been the object of controversy since it was published more than 150 years ago. Some people argue that Huckleberry Finn is a racist work, and that the novel has no place in a highschool classroom. This feeling is generated because a main character in the story, Jim, and other slavesRead MoreBanned From School Curriculum By Robert Hirst1285 Words  | 6 PagesIf Huckleberry Finn is altered or banned from school curriculum, questions will surely be raised about censorship and whether or not it has become too extreme. Questions will also be raised as to why a word that is so often used in daily conversations could possibly get a work of literature banned. Robert Hirst, writer of â€Å"Huck Finn, Navigating Choppy Waters Again†touches on the subject of banning the book over its language. In his article, he touches on the fact that banning the book would leadRead MoreThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain870 Words  | 3 PagesAdventures of Huckleberry Finn,†by Mark Twain, is considered to be one of the greatest American works of art. The novel was published in 1885 and was â€Å"one book from which all modern American literature†came (Ernest Hemingway). The novel was so powerful because it introduced new ideas into book such as the vernacular language and strong expression of racism. As being one of the greatest American novels, it was one of the most controversial. This novel has faced banishment from schools and librariesRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain1976 Words  | 8 PagesAlthough Huckleberry Finn can be brutally honest at times, it still provides readers with outstanding teaching moments throughout. The book shows just how big of an issue race was at one point in the United States. It also effectively uses Jim to show just how severe the punishment for runaway slaves was, something that many children are unaware of to this day. Besides the conflicts, the story also shows how people from two completely different backgrounds can bond with each other. In the story,Read MoreRacism of Yesterday and Today Essay1655 Words  | 7 PagesThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was written by Mark Twain in the middle of the nineteenth century. Much of the inspiration for the book came from Mark Twain’s own encounters. Twain’s experiences as a steamboat pilot from 1835 to 1845 provided a great deal of the historical context for his work. The novel revolves around a southern boy, Huck, and a slave named Jim who both reject society by running away in hopes of finding freedom. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn highlights and portrays theRead MoreShould the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Be Required in Shcool?983 Words  | 4 PagesThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn be required in sc hool? Mark Twain’s â€Å"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn†is said to be one of the greatest American novels to ever be written and is what all other pieces of American literature are based off of. The novel has been debated for over an entire century and will continue to be debated for much longer. Never the less, Huckleberry Finn teaches young students and adults the important life lessons. †The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn†by Mark Twain shouldRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain983 Words  | 4 Pageseverything, especially with what words one can say or write. A person must be able to know when is the appropriate moment to say a certain something. This is Mark Twain is criticized about his novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a novel about a runaway orphan boy named Huckleberry Finn who is accompanied by a runaway slave named Jim. As they sail down the Mississippi Rive, together they encounter problems and life lessons. Through out this novel Twain uses the term â€Å"nigger†because of this thereRead MoreWhy Should Huck Finn Be Banned? Essay1485 Words  | 6 PagesWhy Should Huck Finn Be Banned? The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a novel by Mark Twain, has been controversial since it hit the shelves on its release. The novel had ideals of racism, slavery, tricks, and societal wake up calls that was a smack in the face to readers. This novel has been fought now and again to be censored, or to be banned altogether from public high school reading lists. Huck Finn is a novel in which the reader doesn’t have to look very far below the surface to see the messageRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain1898 Words  | 8 Pagesideologies, but by race. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, arguably one of Mark Twain s greatest pieces he ever wrote, is a hot topic due to its exploration of racism throughout the novel. Mark Twain uses characters like Huck and Jim to create a storyline that goes through the Pre-Civil War South. By doing this, Mark allows us to see the true treatment of African Americans or as said in the book â€Å"Niggers††¦ Which brings to question how can such an offensive word be used so much in a book, and yetRead MoreThe Adventures Of Tom Sawyer And The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn Essay2196 Words  | 9 Pagesbook from libraries and classrooms? This controversy is relevant towards Mark Twain, a world-famous author well-known for his novels titled The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Huck Finn). As stated by an English professor at Texas State University, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn can be recognized as â€Å"the most famous, most beloved, and most controversial novel featuring a prominent black character and written by a white author†(Tally Jr. 97). As this novel was written
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